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 ABOUT Venefit™ 

WHAT IS Venefit™?

The Venefit™ Closure Procedure 

The Venefit™ Closure procedure is a minimally invasive treatment alternative for patients with a condition known as superficial venous reflux, which often results in varicose veins and other painful symptoms.  Varicose veins are known for their distinctive blue color and bulging appearance on the skin.  Resembling large, elongated worms, they afflict an estimated 10%-20% of the adult population.  In the United States, that translates into 20-25 million people, the majority of whom are women. 

WHY Venefit™?


The Venefit™ Closure procedure, an alternative treatment option to traditional vein stripping surgery, brings state-of-the-art technology to an age-old disease. 


The Venefit™ Closure procedure is performed on an outpatient basis.  Using ultrasound, your physician will position the Venefit™ Closure catheter into the diseased vein, through a small opening in the skin.  The tiny catheter delivers radiofrequency (RF) energy to the vein wall.  As the RF energy is delivered and the catheter is withdrawn, the vein wall is heated, causing the collagen in the wall to shrink and the vein to close.  Once the diseased vein is closed, blood is re-routed to other healthy veins.


Following the procedure, a simple bandage is placed over the insertion site, and additional compression may be provided to aid healing. Dr. Napoletano may encourage you to walk, and to refrain from extended standing and strenuous activities for a period of time. 


Patients who undergo the Venefit™ Closure procedure typically resume normal activities within a day.

IS Venefit™ FOR YOU?


Dr. Robert Napoletano is pleased to introduce the formation of  

"The Vein Center of Starling Physicians." 


Venous disease of the lower extremities affects over 25 million people, most of whom suffer indefinitely.  


Fortunately, there is now a minimally invasive method to treat symptomatic superficial venous reflux and varicose veins.  

Most of the time this represents an out-patient procedure with essentially no recovery time; typically these procedures are covered by Medicare, and most private insurance companies.  

Any patient with persistent lower extremity swelling or visible varicose veins may be a candidate for this revolutionary procedure, (including post-partum patients).   In addition, any patient with chronic non-healing wounds may benefit from this procedure, (venous stasis ulcers).  


The first step in the evaluation process is a non-invasive, lower extremity ultrasound which is completely pain-free and also covered by insurance.     


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